Benefits of Dental Treats for Pets

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Benefits of dental treats

Dental treats or chews for pets work to remove buildup from the tooth surface. In addition, some have added nutritional and antiseptic benefits, making them an ideal treat in between dental brushings. A clean mouth means a healthier dog or cat, as dental disease can lead to kidney and heart problems later on. Dental treats or chews for pets are a great way to reward your dog or cat for good deeds or for training; they'll love the flavor and it will maintain good dental health. Most small treats will be gobbled up quickly, while a dental chew usually lasts longer. Always watch your pet while he or she is chewing the treat to prevent choking.

Reduce your pet's tartar and plaque buildup
Many dental chews for pets are designed to mimic the action of brushing your pet's teeth and may contain abrasive textures to help remove tartar and massage your pet's gums. In addition, some dental chews can also reduce a plaque buildup in pets by up to 70%.


Help freshen your pet's breath
Eliminating bad breath odors are another benefit dental chews offer. By removing food and other particles in between your pet's teeth, you are helping to reduce the occurrence of bad breath.


Although dental chews and treats for pets are convenient, they should never replace brushing your pet's teeth, but instead should be a complement to your pet's dental care routine.