What’s “Answer Your Cat’s Questions” Day?

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Answer your cat’s questions

On January 22nd, “Answer Your Cat’s Questions” Day, one of many holidays founded by Ruth and Tom Roy, is celebrated by cat parents around the world. Most of us have little conversations with our cats on a daily basis, but today, we can take a moment to really listen to what our feline friends have to say.

Cats Ask Questions To Those Who Listen
While cats may not be able to ask us questions in plain English, they always have a lot to say. By observing their body language, behavior, and even the tone of their meows, we can get to know their desires, their frustrations, and yes, even their questions.
The biggest clue that your cat has something to ask you? Their tail is curved upright like a perfect question mark! Cats carry their tail like this when they’re feeling curious, inquisitive, or hopeful.
You might see that question-mark-tail when your cat is checking out a change in their environment, like an empty box appearing on the floor, or when they’re wondering when dinner is coming. You might also see that happy, high-flying tail when you come home from work, as though your cat wants to ask, “Where have you been?”

Keeping Your Cat Curious
They say curiosity killed the cat, and while their nosiness does sometimes get them into trouble, it’s also one of their greatest assets. Cats benefit greatly from opportunities to sniff, squeeze into tiny nooks, and climb onto vertical surfaces. Keep your cat questioning by changing around their environment, adding cat shelves, cat trees, toys, and other interesting cat-friendly fixtures around your home.
When cats have appropriate surfaces and objects to explore, it helps control unwanted behavior, like scratching furniture and hopping up on forbidden kitchen counters. Everything your cat does, no matter how mischievous, serves the purpose of exploring their environment and getting a better view of your home.
A cat’s favorite curiosity, by far, is human behavior. You’ve most positively noticed that your cat is endless curious about everything you do, where you’ve been, and what you’re about to do next.

Celebrating Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is not a formal holiday with any set traditions, nor an excuse to bake a cake (don’t let us stop you, though!) Just for today, all you have to do to celebrate is take notice of what your cat is trying to ask when they give you that big-eyed stare.

  • What’s behind this bathroom door, and why is it closed?
  • What sound would this mug make if I knock it off the table?
  • Why does my human not like it when I knock things off the table?
  • Can anyone see me when I’m in this box?
  • Why aren’t you petting me?
  • Why are you still petting me?

Cats may not understand logical reasoning or basic human morals, but they do know when we’re talking to them. Talking to your cat, especially in that high-pitched baby voice reserved just for them, is an important part of bonding. So go ahead, answer your cat’s questions. They might just meow back!