What Are The Pros and Cons of Having A Catio?

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
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Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Pros and Cons of Having A Catio

A catio, or cat patio, is an enclosed, partially outdoor space in which your cat can safely get some fresh air. These structures have become increasingly popular in the last few years as cat parents look for new ways to keep their indoor cats happy and engaged. In fact, a brand new holiday, National Catio Day, founded by CatTipper Magazine, is now celebrated on March 15th
In honor of National Catio Day, learn the pros and cons of creating a catio space for your own feline family members.

Advantages to Having A Catio for your Cat

Keeping your cat indoors is the easiest way to keep them safe from getting hit by a car, getting into a fight, or harming local wildlife. Indoor cats can live twice, even three times as long as outdoor cats.
However, indoor cats typically do not get enough exercise and mental stimulation, often leading to boredom, stress, obesity, and destructive habits.
A catio can give your cat access to the benefits of the outdoors without the dangers of allowing them to roam.
Your cat can benefits of having a catio that may include:

  • Mental stimulation from watching squirrels, birds, and passersby
  • Exercise, especially with a larger structure that allows room for climbing
  • Protection from cars, other animals, and other outdoor hazards


Disadvantages of Having a Catio for your Cat

While giving your cat access to a catio can be a wonderful source of enrichment for them, it’s not the only way to get them engaged. Plus, a catio can come with a few, albeit manageable disadvantages.

  • A catio may be impractical or expensive for renters and some homeowners, and it’s not an easily portable option for those who travel or move often.
  • Confrontations with local strays, even if your cat is not able to reach them, can be stressful. With some structures, it may still be possible for stray cats to come into close enough contact to spray urine, spread diseases and parasites, and otherwise harm your cat.
  • Exposure to fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, which can be mitigated with year-round flea and tick preventatives and heartworm prevention for cats


Alternatives to Building a Traditional Catio for your Cat

If a catio is not a suitable option for your cat, there are still plenty of ways you can keep your kitty on the move.
An outdoor cat enclosure allows you to bring your cat outside for enrichment time. You can move it into the shade on sunny days, place it on a covered deck when it rains, fold it up for storage, or easily take it with you when you move house.
Walking your cat on-leash is another way to get them outside, with the added bonus of one-on-one interaction and opportunities for socialization.
Taking your kitty for short trips in a pet carrier backpack, bike trailer, or in a cat stroller are other fun ways to bond and give your cat a chance to see the world.



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