7 Weird Ways Your Cat Says “I Love You”

Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Your cat loves you

On October 16th, we celebrate Global Cat Day, a day of awareness started by Alley Cat Allies. All cats deserve to be safe and loved, but unfortunately, millions of cats around the world are widely misunderstood by those who have not yet opened their hearts to them.
In celebration of Global Cat Day, learn how your cat says “I love you” in their own unique cat language, and how to say it back in ways they’ll understand.

7 Signs That Your Cat Loves You

1. Sniffing your face.
Does your cat lean in close, giving your nose and mouth a few thorough sniffs? Cats only get up close and personal with those they love and feel safe around, especially those they consider their family members. The nose-to-nose sniff is your cat’s way of saying they have missed you and want to know where you’ve been, and of course, what you’ve been eating. You can return your cat’s greeting by sniffing them back if you don’t mind a whiff of their fishy breath.

2. The question-mark-shaped tail.
Does your cat’s tail perk up when they see you, and then curl over at the end in the shape of a question mark, just like the one at the end of this sentence? This curved tail indicates your cat is feeling happy, friendly, and playful. It truly is your cat’s way of asking a question, which is usually, “what are you going to do next?” When you see this curved tail, your cat likely wants to play, cuddle, or earn a treat from you.

3. Gently biting your hands and ankles.
Cats use their teeth and claws to interact with their close family members in affectionate, playful ways. From kittenhood, they typically learn to be gentle to avoid hurting their siblings, though some cats take longer to learn to be extra gentle with a human’s bare skin. Though your kitty may mean no harm, it’s best to disengage and redirect when they’re getting bitey if you’d prefer they learn to play in more human-friendly ways, like chasing a toy.

4. Pretending to hunt you.
Does your cat ever stalk you, pupils dilate, then wiggle their butt and pounce on you? Kittens pretend to stalk and hunt their parents and siblings in the same way. It means your cat trusts you as their training partner when they’re practicing their hunting skills. This is the perfect time to break out an appropriate pretend prey like a wand or plush catnip toy.

5. Making biscuits on you.
When your cat kneads your lap while snuggling with you, it’s a leftover behavior from when they were a tiny kitten. They once used their paws to massage their mother’s teat while they were nursing. When they’re around you, that nostalgic feeling of love, safety, and comfort can kick in and give your full-grown cat the urge to knead. They might also be using the scent glands in their paws to mark you as their way of saying, “you’re all mine!”

6. Doing the “flop, drop, and roll.”
Cats tend to keep their paws tucked under them even at rest so they can escape at any moment. But when they flop over, lie flat on the floor, and roll around, showing their belly, it means they feel totally safe and content. It’s tempting to reach down and pet your cat when they’ve flopped over, especially when they’re exposing that soft, fluffy belly. But many cats get overstimulated when they’re interrupted mid-sprawl. Touching their sensitive belly is the ultimate betrayal - and likely to result in a four-paw hand grab. Instead, just enjoy the moment and wait for your cat to initiate the snuggles.

7. Bunting, headbutting, and weaving.
When cats reunite with their family members, they press their bodies, especially their faces and head, up against one another. This is your cat’s way of exchanging scents with you, as though to say, “How was your day?” They also use the scent glands on their face to “mark” you by bunting or head-butting up against you. By mingling their scent with yours and those of other family members, they are also creating a “group scent,” that identifies you as one of their clan.

Celebrate Global Cat Day

To honor all cats on Global Cat Day, spend some extra time with the kitty you love. If you can, learn about your local laws and protections for stray cats and find out how you can help provide care for cats in need near you. Or, support global cat organizations like Alley Cat Allies to join the movement to improve the lives of cats everywhere.