2024 New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Parents

Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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 Siamese cat and Jack Russell Terrier on a blanket covered with sparkling New Year’s decorations.

With 2023 coming to a close, it’s almost time to set a New Year’s resolution. Whether you’re aiming for your pet to be healthier, happier, or just hoping to spend more quality time with them next year, a resolution can be the perfect motivation to finally commit to that goal.

Need some inspiration? Here’s five ways you can make 2024 your pet’s best year yet.

1.Take more “boring” photos of your pet.

Many of us take plenty of photos of our pets on holidays, in new outfits, or when they’re doing something cute. Remember to take plenty of pictures of them during ordinary moments, too. We often take for granted the comfort of seeing our dog curled up in his bed with his favorite toy, or the simple joy of our cat purring away in a family member’s lap. These picture-perfect moments are the ones you’ll cherish the most someday, even if they’re not Instagram-worthy. For extra motivation, choose a Pearhead pet photo frame kit to use to display your favorite slice-of-life pet photo this year.


2.Upgrade your pet’s diet.

Nutrition is the key to helping your pet live a long, healthy life. If your pet is transitioning to their next life stage, make sure to switch to a complete and balanced, vet-approved pet food from PetMeds. For pets that have already found a favorite food, try boosting their diet with nutritious toppers or health-supporting vitamins and supplements.

3.Research pet health coverage.

Around 1 in 3 dogs and cats need emergency vet care each year, and while you can hope 2024 won’t be your pet’s turn, it’s crucial to plan ahead. That way, you can focus on helping your pet feel better, instead of worrying about how you’ll manage a surprise bill. You can find a pet insurance plan to fit your pet’s health needs and your budget. It only takes a few minutes to get your personalized pet insurance quote, making this the easiest resolution ever.

4.Brush your pet’s teeth every night.

By brushing daily, you can eliminate plaque before it hardens and forms tartar, and prevent bacteria that causes gingivitis from staking out in your pet’s mouth. For some pets, daily brushing can be stressful, and it might take months of training and steady progress to get them used to the idea. To protect your pet’s dental health in the meantime, add a dental water additive, dental chews, and supplements to their routine.


5.Keep your pet hydrated.

Water is the most important nutrient for every part of your pet’s body, supporting everything from healthy brain function, digestion, skin and coat health, hips and joints, and more. Dogs and cats don’t always drink enough water to stay adequately hydrated. You can increase your pet’s water intake by feeding a moisture rich diet, cleaning and refreshing their water bowls daily, and using a filtered water fountain to encourage drinking.

How To Stick To Your 2024 Pet Resolution

Most of us feel ambitious in early January, only to forget all about our resolutions by Valentine’s Day. To give your resolutions a better chance of sticking, pick just one realistic, quantifiable goal. Keep your commitment to your pet’s health by adding tools, physical reminders, and notes to your routine. For example, if you’d like to brush your pet’s teeth more often, make sure their toothbrush and toothpaste are stored where you can see them. Set reminders and alarms on your phone to make those 2024 resolutions impossible to forget.