The PetMeds® Quick Guide To Pet Insurance

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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Pet parent in vet waiting room with cat in carrier and white dog.

For millions of pet parents, pet insurance offers peace of mind when their dog or cat gets sick or injured. Unexpected vet bills and surprise expenses no longer have to get in the way of making sure your pet always gets the best possible care. Thinking of getting a plan for your pet, but don’t know where to start? Learn the basics with our quick guide to pet insurance.


What Exactly Is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a plan that reimburses you for covered pet health expenses, which can potentially include anything from diagnostic testing, to medication and surgery, to follow up visits, prescription pet food, and rehabilitation therapies.

You’ll pay a set amount, called a premium, every month and after your pet receives care, you’ll file a claim to get reimbursed for eligible expenses. Eligible expenses vary between insurance providers and plans, so it’s important to choose a plan that meets your pet’s unique healthcare needs.

How Does Pet Insurance Differ From Health Insurance for People?

With health insurance for humans, you are typically only covered when you go to a doctor that’s in the insurance provider’s network. Payments are made directly to your doctor, hospital, or pharmacist.

Pet insurance works a bit differently. There are no “in-network,” or “out-of-network,” veterinarians. You can take your dog or cat to any veterinarian you choose.

Since pet insurance is technically categorized as “property and casualty” insurance, your veterinarian is not paid directly. Instead, you’ll file a claim to have your pet’s covered health expenses reimbursed.


How Does Pet Insurance Work?

When you compare pet insurance plans, you can opt for a higher or lower annual deductible, a set amount you’ll pay out of pocket each year for your pet’s health expenses before the insurance kicks in.

A higher deductible means you’ll spend more on your pet’s health expenses at first, but your .monthly premium, the set amount you’ll pay each month, will be lower. Conversely, a lower deductible means you’ll have a higher monthly payment.

Some pet insurance plans also have an annual coverage limit, or may offer unlimited coverage. Choosing a lower annual coverage limit can lower your monthly premium.

If your pet has a pre-existing condition that they developed before you signed up for pet insurance, their health expenses may not be eligible for coverage. You can file a claim for accidents and illnesses that occur after the waiting period, when coverage starts.

Pet insurance does not cover routine preventative care, but you can purchase a wellness plan that can offset the costs like your pet’s annual wellness exam, vaccines, and lab tests.


How Do You Use Pet Insurance?

With pet insurance, you can go to any veterinarian, urgent veterinary care clinic, or vet hospital. You can even use pet insurance for telehealth visits. No need to check beforehand if the vet accepts your insurance.

When your pet has an accident or illness, you’ll pay your veterinarian upfront. Then, you’ll open a claim with your pet insurance company that will include a copy of your itemized vet bill. If your pet’s expenses are eligible for coverage, you’ll be reimbursed according to your policy.


How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Your monthly pet insurance premium will vary depending on factors like your pet’s age, species, and breed. Other variables like annual deductible, coverage limits, and extended coverage will all affect your monthly premium payment.

Ready to start comparing pet insurance plans?Get your free Pumpkin pet insurance quote today. It takes just a few minutes to customize a plan to fit your pet’s health care needs and your budget.