Why We Celebrate Change A Pet’s Life Day on January 24th

Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Ask the Vet
Lindsay Butzer, DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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Change A Pet’s Life Day

First celebrated on January 24th, 2009, Change A Pet’s Life Day started as a one-time adoption event for participating shelters, and has snowballed into an annual, nationwide celebration of the human-animal bond. When you adopt a cat or dog and make them a member of your family, everything changes in their world - and yours too. Learn why we celebrate Change A Pet’s Life Day and how you can join in on this very special holiday.

How Did Change A Pet’s Life Day Get Its Start?

The origin of Change A Pet’s Life Day was an adoption event on January 24th, 2009 during which Hill’s Pet Nutrition sponsored the first ten adoptions of the day for new pet parents at participating shelters. For over a decade, shelters, rescues, and animal welfare organizations nationwide have continued to celebrate January 24th by hosting their own events, from waived adoption fees and fundraisers to social media promotions and more.

What Does It Mean To “Change A Pet’s Life”?

Each year, over 6 million cats, dogs, and other animals are surrendered to animal shelters, rescues, and humane societies. Some are relinquished by their owner, others are picked up by animal control as strays, rescued from abuse, breeding mills, or hoarding situations, or found missing and never claimed by their former family.
If you’ve rescued a dog or cat, you might know their story - or you might know nothing about their past. The day you met your pet, it may have been love at first sight, wags or purrs abound - or your new family member may have been shy, unsure, or even fearful. While all pets bring love and joy to our lives, there’s something extra special about a pet that’s been rescued.
Though your rescued pet may not remember the day you brought them home, it’s a time you’ll never forget. From the first time they have dinner out of a bowl with their name on it, to the first time they cuddle up on the couch, that first deep sigh as they settle into a bed that’s their very own - those are the moments in which a life is forever changed.

Change A Pet’s Life Today - Even If You’re Not Ready To Adopt

If you already have adopted the four-legged love of your life, or you’re just not ready to take that step, you can still help a dog or cat get closer to finding the family they deserve.

Celebrate Change A Pet’s Life Day…

Foster a pet by opening your home to a dog or cat while they await their forever home - opening their space at the shelter for another pet.

Donate to your shelter whether you can give a little or a lot. Monetary donations are great, but blankets, towels, cleaning supplies, puppy pads, and other items are always needed. Most shelters and rescues have wishlists or donation requests on their website or social media page.

Share your pet’s story to inspire others to adopt.

Sponsor a pet by paying a shelter pet’s adoption fee or other expenses.

Share on social media any fundraisers, medical funds, available adoptions, events, and volunteer opportunities shared by your local shelter or animal welfare organization.

Volunteer your time by walking dogs, playing with cats, cleaning cages, or otherwise offering your hard labor and skills to pets in need.

Ask friends to donate or sponsor local shelter pets in lieu of birthday or holiday gifts this year.